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Dev Randhawa discusses professional networks.

The Harvard Business Review has published an article about the maintenance of professional networks as the years go by – I’ve chosen to summarise and find out more. Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa discusses employment.

One author put a cogent and though-provoking argument in Entrepreneur Magazine, that hiring those who have ‘failed’ in their work may be a good step forward for some companies. Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa discusses management traits.

It’s clear that managers play a key role in the lives of their employees at work and influence employee’s perceptions of their place of work.

Concurrently, an article published in the Huffington Post has outlined some of the best and worst management traits, looks at employee motivation and the creation of a ‘business culture of agility’. I’ve decided to react and summarise accordingly. Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa discusses an expert’s thoughts on risk management.

I’ve decided to maintain a theme of being aware of taking risk this week, as I’ve also reacted to an article about the dangers of ‘low hanging fruit’ and summarised accordingly.

In this piece, I’ve decided to react to an article published on Entrepreneur, authored by an expert in risk management, about the prevalence of risk in a company’s early stages.  Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa discusses management styles.

A recent piece in the Huffington Post’s management section has laid out three poor styles of management for start-ups – I’ve decided to look at them and see if they’d have any use in a sector outside of the start-up sector, which is mostly focused on the wider tech industry. Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa discusses management.

If a recent article in Fast Company is to be believed, it appears that traditional management is facing some pretty stiff competition from new trends such as ‘distributed leadership’ and ‘holacracy’.

In the last few years, companies have increasingly looked to using these new, ‘flat’ organizational structures for their businesses. Companies like Zappos, Medium and Buffer (all online companies, I might add) have adopted such structures and have seen mixed results.

I’ve decided to look into these new flat styles and conclude on their use outside of the more ‘cutting-edge’ online sector. Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa writes about employee morale.

Recently, a list has been compiled by Inc. of the reasons why ‘great’ employees leave their place of work – I’ve decided to take a look at some of these reasons, which include stagnation and overworking. Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa writes about company cultures.

Today, I’ve chosen to write about some companies with great working cultures that others can aspire to. A list of companies has been compiled in Entrepreneur Magazine’s website, which documents 10 companies with enviable cultures.

It’s a little tech-heavy, but I’m in the belief that it’s of use to leaders outside of the industry despite this. Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa writes about fears in leadership.

A recent article written about the fall of former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has indicated the perils of poor management and the damning effects it can have upon organisations. It seems that those around Schultz were fearful of her poor decisions until the end.

Today, I’ve decided to look at a recent piece on fears that hold back good team-building – fears similar to those shown by those in the DNC. Continue Reading…

Dev Randhawa writes about decision-making skills.

Today I’ve decided to look into the process of decision-making and how it can be improved, even in stressful situations. Continue Reading…