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In case you missed some of news this month, here was the Fission announcement on Apr 4th. Drill results at PLS hit yet more off scale radioactivity and doubled the strike length of the R390E zone – one of the three discovery zones at our PLS property. 

As you know, we’re still in the process of an active exploration program including 9,000m to 10,000m of drilling and are taking maximum advantage of the existing winter ice. The entire drill program has, in my opinion, been a huge success – as can be seen from the tremendous news flow that we’ve experienced over the last couple of months. With each new set of results our PLS discovery has made another big leap forward – providing shareholders with increasing value as we get closer to the finalization of the Denison deal and the launch of the SpinCo – Fission Uranium Corp.

Here are the highlights

• Holes PLS13-061 and 066 have doubled the strike length of the high grade core as intersected in holes PLS13-038, 051 and 053 to 60m.
• PLS13-066 (L420E) intersected 64.0m of weak to strong mineralization (81.5m – 145.5m) with a total of 5.57m of off-scale (>9999 cps) radioactivity
• PLS13-061 (L360E) intersected four mineralized radioactive intervals (76.5m – 140.0m) ranging in strength from weak to strongly radioactive and in width from 1.0m to 30.5m, including a 30.5m of interval ranging from weak to strong mineralization (109.5m – 140.0m) with a total 4.13m of off-scale (>9999 cps) radioactivity

As ever, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions and be sure to connect with us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest updates.

Dev Randhawa

Lengthy but useful overview article on Nuclear’s role in combatting climate change. Pokes some holes in the actions of countries such as Germany which, by shutting down its fleet of reactors, has harmed the environment by ensuring greater use of coal.

The article rightly points out the huge build program in China and notes that it could easily expand further. However, I think India’s plans, and the fact that many other countries (such as Russia) are pursuing very active nuclear energy programs, could have received a bit more attention

Dev Randhawa

Good article on government financing for nuclear builds.  There are plenty of myths being spread about the level of government financing for new nuclear builds. The reality is that all forms of investment in energy supply are subsidized to some extent and nuclear is no exception. Nuclear is the only clean energy with the high base load national power grids require.

Renewables like solar and wind cannot meet this requirement so it’s important to keep things in perspective. 

Dev Randhawa

Excellent article on Turkey’s need for nuclear energy. International Energy Agency Chief Economist Fatih Birol has said that Turkey should build “as much nuclear power as possible” to help meet its growing energy needs. Of course, Turkey already has a nuclear energy program but I’m pleased to see such vocal support from the IEA. The world will not meet its energy needs whilst reducing emissions without nuclear.

Dev Randhawa

Dev Randhawa commenting on Japan and nuclear energy

Great article on Forbes about the deliberate misinformation and fear that still clouds the realities of Fukushima. I’ve said for some time now that the anti-nuclear energy camp works hard to obscure the facts and this article does a great job of exposing this very issue. The author also spells out very clearly the ramifications of not wising up and employing an energy source that is key for Japan’s economy.

Dev Randhawa

The UK government has given the okay for construction of Hinkley Point C. You can read the news on the UK govt site.  The UK has a distinctly pro-nuclear energy stance as they understand the practicalities of energy supply security and the need to reduce emissions while meeting increasing demand for electricity.

I’m delighted to see things are moving forward for them. 
Dev Randhawa

You may have seen this on one of my other blogs but if not, I have agreed to become a mentor for the business studies faculty at TWU (Dev Randhawa business mentor profile).

I’m a big believer in giving something back to the community and I figured being a business mentor and helping people make the most of those first steps into a career will be a really rewarding way of doing this. I’ll keep you posted on how things turn out.

Dev Randhawa

Construction on the second new US reactor  got under way last week. Construction has officially begun on a new reactor at the Vogtle power plant in South Carolina. It was the second AP1000 construction to start in America last week. You can read an article on this on the WNA website.

The US is just one of many countries implementing new build programs for nuclear energy and I fully expect to see more of them as it’s the only way we’re going to lower emissions while keeping the lights on.

Dev Randhawa

Interesting article about public debate in Taiwan on nuclear energy. The main thrust of the piece is that there’s not enough debate and the public need to be made aware of the benefits of nuclear energy. I couldn’t agree more. The negative bias is much of the media against nuclear energy has a tendency to steal the limelght when the facts of the matter is that without nuclear energy, we’ll never succeed in reducing emissions to an acceptable level.

Dev Randhawa

We’ve had  another great strike at Fission’s PLS property with 13.89m of “Off-Scale” Radioactivity in 53.0m of Mineralization. This is yet another great hit in a succession of strong hits an the program isn’t finished yet! Here are the highlights:

*53.0m interval of continuous mineralization
*including 11.5m of continuous “off-scale” radioactivity (>9999 cps)
*the sum of discrete intervals of “off-scale” radioactivity total 13.89m
*>26% of the interval measure “off-scale”.
*Located 15m grid east of PLS13-038 (see news release dated Feb. 19, 2013) in which mineralization was found over 57.5m. 11.65m of which was “off-scale”.

In addition delineation drilling in the R390E area, PLS13-044 drilled 10m north of PLS13-038 intersected a total 34.0m of mineralization in four discrete zones of weak to moderate, and locally strong mineralization including a narrow (0.1m) interval of “off-scale” radioactivity totaling 3.0m.

The team and I continue to be thrilled at the way PLS is progressing. Such great results confirm the tremendous starting position that our NewCo (Fission Uranium Corp) will have when it spins out following the completion of the Fission/Denison deal.

Here’s what Ross McElroy, Fission’s President, COO, and Chief Geologist had to say, “PLS13-051 extends the strike length of R390E’s broad zone of mineralization, which includes significant amounts of off-scale radioactivity, initially discovered in PLS13-038 15m to the west. We are focusing our efforts to define this area as we target drilling around these holes that have returned such excellent results.”

Dev Randhawa